Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Returning to the scene of a crime…

So, here we are again! But where is here I hear you all wondering. Well, here is the middle of April and the subject of rail travel across Europe has been broached once more. Now last year the talk of travel had already been going on for a good while prior to April but for circumstances beyond our control the final decision to go wasn't made until April. And so begun the planning and preparation that all lead to that final morning before the off, stood outside Rich's, bacon butty in hand, staring up at the sky dreaming of what lay ahead. Fantastic!

Where to this time you may wonder, well that's something that'll have to be ironed out over the coming days / weeks / months, honed to perfection over many the beer and contraband snacks (Frazzles anyone) at that trusted local, the Squizzer. The ideas will be getting posted here, so if you've been to any of the places we plan to sully with our presence please let us know of stuff we should look out for or visit.

One desitination suggestion I've already made is the fabled Munich Beer Festival, if nothing other to exercise the demons of the previous excursion to this age old bastion of beer, ladyhosen (can't spell it) and oompah (again, spelling??) bands. Perhaps this time I'll be able to stay out of the clutches of the revenue raising Facists? Perhaps this time Rich won't have to add ten years to his life agonising how he's gonna break the news to my olds that I've been kidnapped by aliens in green and black outfits? We'll have to wait and see won't we.

Ahhhh, so many decisions to be made, so many blog updates to follow, so much money to save and so many shifts to put in at the social. Can't wait already and the decision to go hasn't definitely been made, still, it'll be right, who can resist an inter rail ticket and the promise of so many memories in the making.

Until next time my voyeuristic readers...