Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Morning people, been a couple of days since I posted, that'll be down to the fact that we've been mental busy since arriving here in Rome. So i'll rewind a little, back to the old overnight train journey from Paris to Rome - interesting that one..

Basically we ended up with the night traveller from hell. All big ass, big jewelery, and an even bigger attitude to boot(y). No one in the carriage wanted to go bed too early, bonus for me and Rich cos it turned out our beds were like coffins, but the sixth (as she was christened by Rachel, an American girl we were sharing with) was not having any of it. In the end she went to her top bunk and, with much huffing and puffing, tusking and tutting, got her head down and pretty much left us in peace - except if anyone laughed, then it would be more huffing and puffing, a few choice Italian words thrown in no doubt. We cracked a bottle of wine we'd got during the day and shared between three of us (Rich, Rachel and myself). After much talk of Americal politics (them two, not me, my head couldn't keep up). We had a couple in the restraunt carriage then retired. I tried to doze off, struggling, but next thing i knew, the crazy cow the 'sixth' was pulling away my sheet in front of my face trying to get my attention - nothing naughty, think just trying to piss me off. A quick, "f**k off, what you doing" put paid to that!!.

Anyway, we arrive, pretty shattered but looking forward to a new city, seeing some sights and having a few glasses of vino, hoping it could live up to Paris's bottle of bougaley (boo - ja - lay), god know's how you spell that!!

First day in Rome was great, sights were brilliant, got some great pictures. Oh, and the ice cream, kicks the backside out the old mans soft scoop Walls back home, best ice cream I've tasted - a picture was took for prosterity.

We met Rachel later on and went out for some pasta at a restruant by the Trevi fountain, as Rich was determined to see if anyone could beat his brilliant (his words) carbanarra. Put it shortly, it beat it by his own admission (this morning, last night it was as good as his..lol).

Well, post out the way, we're off to the Vatican today along with the Pantheon and other stuff that's years old. Cool.

Till next time peeps, I'll leave you.

PS - Disconbobulated - a word that Rich came out with as we were nearly run over for the umpteenth time, can't quite remember what it means but it sounded good at the time...

1 comment:

Caramac said...

Sounds like a James Bond scene!!!