Sunday, September 28, 2008

Foreign Land = always keep your phone charged..

So, it's been a while since I last posted here. There are a number of reasons for that, lack of time and laziness mainly.

So, the last time I posted I was in Rome, loving the hot weather and chilling out at the apartment. Man, soo much has happened since, so much. With it costing a fortune to use the internet here in Prague (yep, that's where we are) I'll have to give you an abridged version.

So, left Rome to travel down to Innsbruck, with that stop being a bit of a staging post for the scenic leg of the trip. Unfortunately the weather was rather poor to say the least. What we did find though was a really cool bar to have a few lollies in and taste a bit of local food. Really chilled out night, was really good, and we managed to get talking to the bar owner lady and her hired help. They were really cool, with the hired help (I can't remember her name) giving us her number in case we ended up staying at Octoberfest (more on that later) an extra day. So that was Innsbruck, just a quick stop.

Next day it was on to Zell am See, again the weather was pretty poor but still enjoyed chilling out on the train, listening to my iPod and readying a book. Zell am See was cool, both the place and the weather, but really liked it. Intend on going back there one day to take in a bit more of the scenery and what not. Really liked it. Didn't stay that long in the end, with us deciding on making use of the inter rail ticket and going on to a place called Bischofschoffen. Odd place, really quiet, but some funny shop names to say the least. The pictures of these will no doubt be posted somewhere on our return.

Next was Salzburg, didn't really do much there and the weather was bad, had a chinese for our T then had a pretty early night. I was beginning to get really tired and didn't want to be totally shattered for when we hit Munich and beyond.

So, next morning we set out to Munich pretty early, arriving around midday. As Richy boy has said in his post, we headed to a big square where there was loads of benches, people and of course beer. We had a really good laugh here then headed to what was billed as the oldest beer house in the world. The place was packed and we eneded up sat with a bunch of Swiss lads, with one of them looking suspiciously like Bobby Ball, really funny bunch of lads and the place was mint. The whole place was singing, laughing, and generally having a good time. So we left there and decided we'd have a bit of a look around, and ended up at this political rally. Now, I've never seen one of these before and it was a bit mental to say the least. One minute I'm looking up at this guy shouting loads in German, next thing I look around and Rich is gone. Not the best, not the best at all. There must have been a few thousand people in attendance, I thought I really need to find him. So I begin scouting around the place trying to see if I can see him, unfortuntely I couldn't - and unfortunately my phone was out of charge and I didn't have an adaptor to charge it, not good. I must have spent an hour or so looking around to no avail, so ended up making my way back to the train station. First thing I do on arriving back was to leave a message at my folks just in case he rang there.

So, that's me back at the station, trying to look for Rich, but no sign what so ever. I don't remember the time but it was starting to knock on a little, which was a concern. However, I thought Rich would be ok, maybe just headed to the beer festival and would meet me for the train we'd arranged to catch at 5.15am the following morning. So I go and have a couple of beers at a place at the station, with a view onto the main part of the station in case he came back. Time ticked on, no sign, so I went out for a walk to get some fresh air. Outside there was another politcal thing going on, not the best, so just wandered through it. Next thing I know, I'm offered a room in a state run facility, with a charge of 50 euro's a night, not the best but thought I'd take them up on there offer. Unfortunately I didn't realise the time and had a bit of a sleep in, not making it back to the station until around 5.45, missing the train and putting Richy boy through some terrible terror, sorry mate. I wandered into the station and pretty much immediately Richy saw me, and my God, just a touch of relief was felt that we had finally found each other. Was an altogther barmy night, so remember kids, when in a foreign land, always keep your phone charged - I know I will.

So, hopefully post again soon, much sooner than the last time!!

Keep on keeping on people.


1 comment:

eltel said...

just got your blog of your mum by text shes not here with me, good read instead of keeping phone charged tie yourselves together with a piece of string its cheaper.