Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Oooohhhhh, just what shall I wear....

So, just two days to go until the big off and I have to say it can't come soon enough for me. Today was a bit of an odd day for me for some strange reason. As much as I tried I couldn't shake off a bit of a dodgy mood, with loads of big sighs being puffed out my volumous chest. Even when I got a call to say I wasn't working Thursday night my mood didn't lift - and that made last night my last night at the social before the holiday (another milestone gone!!). Anyway, so lunchtime came and I decided to take myself off to Primark to stock up on scruds for the trip. Never know when you'll need a fresh pair, I'm told the French chicks don't like your scruds to be anymore than three days old, filthy minxes... Anyway, I digress, back to Primark. I finished picking out my skin hugging scruds - package exentuating of course, i'm told French chicks like these also. I head out of Primark and decide to take a longer route back to my bike . . . . . . through the train station at Preston. Well, a grin was soon on my face thinking we'll be there in a few days time, just setting out on what promises to be a mint, adventure filled, booze fuelled, fascist dodging trip of a lifetime - yep, I've changed it to a lifetime (see earlier post), cos I reckon it could well be. That trip to the station, although mega sad, cheered me up no end and I was able to go about my day in a much better mood. These little things make all the difference!

So, the original question, what shall I wear, I have to say I'm struggling with that question. I'm not saying it in a tarty way (to correct all you wrong uns), it's a genuine question. See the problem is, I've been looking at the beeb weather pages these last few days and it would seem the weather is rather changeable at the moment. One day it's grim, the next it's all sunny and warm(ish). Now I don't want to be taking a load of cooler clothes if it's freezing, but at the same time I don't want to be taking a load of warm clothes when it's boiling. All you people who go on nice, easy package holidays don't have such concerns due to your multitude of luggage, but when your going to be living out of a single backpack for two weeks (correction, 16 days) these decisions take on a little more importance. More thinking about this needs to done before the final decision is made and the bag is loaded. I'll have to do that over a beer I think..

Until next time..


Mouldymuffin! said...

What an absolutley brilliant post.

Conky said...

Have fun Neil! Looking fwd to the pics! :o)

Neil said...

Cheers Jen, woooohooooo

Caramac said...

Gutted i didn't read your blogs for day one - you're both crazy!!!! loving the French grundies comment!!!