Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Snack Point Charlie...

So, the next installment of my blog is here...

So, where was I the last time we posted. That's right, in good old Prague. Cool place man, not quite as cheap as I was led to believe but still cheap compared to the likes of Paris and Rome, and the accomodation is pittence compared to Munich....

So, the night following my last post I partook (think that's how you spell it) in a brilliant night out, certainly one for the memory books. We arranged to go out with most of the people populating our dorm of 12, with the exception of two Ozzy girls who really managed to taint my image of all Ozzy's being cool. These two were a real pain in the backside, a real pain, who somehow thought the world revolved around age and not much more. Put simply, and in a real English way, a right pair of tossers (and not in a good way..).

So, back to the good night, the attendees for the night were 5 gals from Agentina, 1 guy and 1 girl from France and a couple of likely lads from Blackpool. Good make up, screamed good night. We finally made it out by something like 11pm on a Sunday evening, and boy was I in need of a beer to chill out & relax in all this new company. Made it to the first bar by around 11.30, with me holding the seats whilst Richy went back to fetch the troops. Well, me left in a bar on my own, had to sneak in a couple of cheeky ones (yep mate, had a couple, not one before you got back, rude I know..). Once everyone arrived it was a top night, beers were flowing and everyone was really cool, many pictures were taken to document the stages of drunkness most people made it two. Once the bar me and Richy had suggested closed we must had sunk about 40 odd beers between us, altough a couple of the girlies only had one. Left a lot for the rest of us to sink...

Well, having been chucked out of there bang on closing time (hmm, good idea that..) we began wondering what else we could do. Carol, a rather lively Argentinian chica suggested we all get a bottle and hit the hostel, so there we were walking up there and we come across the Hernia bar that was still open. I popped my head in to find out what time Leah (the manager) closed and she said "whenever..". Well, that would do for us, let us continue. The place was small, but some would say perfectly formed, and so we all continued to drink until around 4.30. Brilliant night, totally brilliant, one definitely to remember (as I've said).

So, that was that night, heavy to say the least. So the next day was a bit of a none event really, which I was very happy about as I was totally in need of a day of doing nothing!!!! The only real thing we did was hit the hot dog and burger stalls for some scran, I had two burgers and a hot dog, all for around 1 pound 90, cheap as chips. Had some pasta in the evening, hats of to Richy for that, the chef done good.

So, next day, Tuesday I think it was, we headed out early and got the 6.30am train to here in Berlin. As we left it looked to be brightening up, so we were hopeful of the weather being ok(ish). Well, after a long journey of farts, more farts and even more farts (man that carriage stunk) we arrived - unfortunately as much as Rich endevoured to erradicate the ozone layer with said farts we arrived to grim weather..

We found our hostel (cheap), dumped our stuff and headed out in search of the (in)famous check point charlie. A few stop on the uber efficient underground later we landed in Cochstraße (yes we giggled). We wandered up there and were at the check point, and oh my god, utterly dissapointing. There was a guy stood in from of the check point decked out in american army uniform with a sign on him letting people know it was 1 euro for a picture - bad enough - but he didn't hide the sign when pictures were taken, and he left his starbooks coffee cup sat atop the sand bags behind him - again, no doubt clearly visible in pictures. The whole place was alreadz leaving a bad taste. Next, the stalls were selling all sorts of crap, USSR hats, hats saying "you've now left check point charlie...", gas masks etc etc, you get my point. Just utter shit basically. So I turn to leave, then see the worst of it, there is a food court across the road and yes, as you may have guessed "Snack Point Charlie" I mean come on, utter shit, utter disrespect. So we left.

Next stop was the Holocaust Memorial, now that was different altogether. This place is definitely a must if in Berlin, done very tastefully, respectfully, and a moving experience. Once in the learning centre you are given a time line spanning a number of walls of the events leading up to, including, and following the Holocaust. The words are enough, but the pictures that accompany them make it even more real. The only bad thing about this was a stupid Ozzy girl, yes another one, reading out loud one persons story and LAUGHING about it. I wanted to clump the daft bint there and then, my image of Ozzy girls truly tainted. The rest of the walk around the centre was equally moving, and just shows how history should be treated, not like the crap around the check point.

So, last night, after our sight seeing succumbed to the elements (around the Reichstag), we headed out for chicken and chips. Man, what a feed, that food was awseome. Oh, and a good few 60p beers to help wash it down. Delicous. We were joined by one of the lads from the dorm, Danny from Toronta. Cool guy.

Off to the Dam now, oh and my money running out again. Till next time peeps, keep on trucking Wooo Wooo....

1 comment:

xMSLx said...

Hell0 poppet, it's Nanna D here.
I've been reading your diary, oh sorry, they are called post's aren't they and you do sound like you're having a lovely time. Now I feel I can help you and Richard with your wind problems, look out for something called 'Wind Cheaters' you can find them in most chemists. Your Grandad swears by them (unless he's had a meat pie and then he can stun heffers at 20 paces!) Anyway my little angel pie pumpkin face always remember Nanna loves you xxx