Monday, September 8, 2008

Rage of the road...

Can I just use my blog to say what absolute fucking pricks people are who use their phone whilst driving. Here's me bimbling along on my bike on the way home from work and some daft bint pulls out on me, very little room, she nearly goes into the verge, then pulls to the left as though everything is ok cos she's going to let me throughm, even though she's just nearly smashed into me. I was pissed right, but I thought yeah, ok, no harm done just a little daft coming out the junction.... Then I notice the silly cow has her left arm leaning against the window yapping into her mobile phone. Talk about red mist (never seen before), all in all I let her know I wasn't best pleased (read 'understatement' there..), I was still fuming when I arrived home.

Anyway, rant over, I've just booked the flights out of England (wooohoooo), I've booked our couchette and our suppliments are paid for (doubly woooohoooo). Now all I need is hhmmmm, Inter Rail ticket perhaps, oh and a little accomodation. That's tomorrow.

Now it's sinking in (finally) that I'm off to Europe. Curious thing about working all the time, don't get that much time to think about the forthcoming trip. Final bits to complete tomorrow, then all will be booked and paid for. Can I not wait, 2 weeks away from pulling pints, two weeks away from Micro$oft Excel / Word / Access etc etc, get in, can I not wait!!!!!!

Enough for now, just off to pull pints, more again soon avid readers of my inane waffle. Read my fellow cohorts blog for the comedy, I'm far too tired to amuse you..

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