Saturday, September 6, 2008

Dancing round like a plant pot....

So, been on the phone with my fellow European conspirator this morning planning this trip a little further (I know, hardly Prince 2 is it, planning less than two weeks before departure..). It's now been pretty much decided that we're going to fly out of Liverpool the saturday evening, arriving around 10ish at night. Sounds good as it'll give us a little more of a lie in to recover from celebrating finishing work for two weeks (and a day) a to raise a glass on Rich's birthday. Old Town Hall for more poolage me thinks...

A tiny part of me is tinged with sadness that we won't be going by train that first morning. Seeting off at the crack of dawn into the unknown (Preston) for the start of what is sure to be a bit of a life changer (again). That's my heart thinking anyway, my brain (as small as it is) tells me it is totally the right thing to do, as does my wallet (especially if Arthur can give us a lift..) as it should save us about £30-40 which can be spanked on a cheap whore Prague - hahaha, only joking, chuckling my ass of writing that!!

We'll also be flying back that Sunday, following 15 nights of what is sure to be one of the best of my life. So much will have no doubt happened, I can't begin to imagine what (except for copious amounts of beer / wine having been consumed). The flight home is gonna be much better as we're going to be shattered, that promises to be a really chilled out day, travelling up from Amsterdam (no bringing dodgy cigs back rich...), then some dinner when we get there (money permitting) then the flight back. Yep, a nice end to the trip.

So, the trip morphs slightly again this morning with the final big planning / booking session due tomorrow afternoon. Hhhhmmm, could it be it morphs a little more. Watch this space cos I wouldn't be surprised in the slightest if it did.

Arrrggggh, just writing this and my European good buddy rings to tell me the dastardly French hadn't added on the airport tax. Tarts.

Who needs to wait until the morrow before the trips changes again.... All the fun of the fair..

Oh, the dancing round like plant pot title, that was me a minute ago getting giddy about the forthcoming trip..


Mouldymuffin! said...

Genius about the plant pot...

Conky said...

I read that a few times thinking *wow plant pots cant dance* hahaha

Honestly, if you guys do not get laid at least ONCE on this trip you better come home SAYING you did or i am going to be disappointed in both of you.

Neil said...

haha, I'm sure our overwhelming comical genius will either get us laid or get us in trouble...

Mouldymuffin! said...

Oh Jen - you KNOW you're lying!

Conky said...

well Neil could get laid and I wouldn't be lying hahahaha but seriously...if u got a little drunken and humped some girl that u didn't really like at all and did not knock her up i wouldn't actually mind at all haha